Alexa T Archive
There’s a line from the movie “Once Upon A Time” where one character says to the other, “Your life must be filled with such incredible loneliness if your only joy comes from destroying everyone else’s happiness.” Now apply this quote to a select group of …
If you think about it, moving in with someone requires a small streak of bravery. You might have spent a lot of time with that person in public settings like work, school, or even your local mall. You may have even hung out with them …
I often put cheaters into one of three categories: the ones who cheat on impulse but later snap to their senses, those who cheat because they’ve been missing something in their current relationship for quite some time, or those who cheat simply because they can …
Have you ever watched a television show and marveled at the villain’s poise, confidence, and go-to attitude? Do their brilliant, scheming ways push you to plan your life out to achieve the best results, no matter the cost? If that sounds like something you do …
Ah, theme parks: a wonder-filled place chock-full of potential for fantastical memories for years to come. While visitors may find themselves daydreaming of memories involving great companionship, grab-and-go-food and lots of laughs, the workers probably have less than joyous memories. While I was never employed …
Dating is awkward, let’s just face it. At first, it’s hard to find your footing. Then one person may fall harder than the other. Then maybe an ex gets involved. Then, then, then..! And where does one draw the line from “We’re just getting to …
Las mamás son criaturas versátiles, multifacéticas, equipadas con innumerables habilidades. No llegas a ser mamá sin aprender un par de cositas en el camino. Las mamás saben cómo sostener un teléfono entre la mejilla y el hombro mientras acunan a un bebé y mantienen una …
Muchas posesiones permanecen en una familia de una generación a otra: propiedades, negocios, viejos relojes y joyas, cosas hechas a mano, y álbumes de fotos. Sin embargo, a veces llega un punto en que estas cosas dejan de ser heredadas. A veces simplemente dejan de …
Los oficiales de policía experimentan cosas muy raras estando de servicio. Desde comportamiento errático a informes de crímenes estrambóticos, los oficiales de policía lo han visto todo. Sólo pregúntale a alguno, y te hará un resumen de cada pirado con el que ha tenido contacto. …
Las mejores cosas de la vida en verdad son gratis, o al menos, cuestan muy poco. No siempre necesitas cosas elegantes y caras para divertirte o pasar el rato. Aunque los videojuegos y los juguetes caros son algo lindo de tener, son las emociones comunes …